Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Black Friday

According to this website, "The idea behind the term "Black Friday" is that this is the day in which retail stores have enough sales to put them "in the black" - an accounting expression that alludes to the practice of recording losses in red and profits in black." During this day, stores will open early and and many discount promotions are offered to their customers. They also mark this as the beginning of the holiday shopping season.
I did not go out this Black Friday because of the hectic people that were going to be on the roads, in parking lots, and in the stores. I used to work in retail so I know how crazy it can get in there. It was the worst to work on this day because everyone comes out just to get the sales and save money on electrical appliances, clothes, shoes, and all sorts of merchandise. It is also the best day to begin your Christmas shopping due to these circumstances.
It is like heaven for shoppers but a hell hole for employees who have to stay long hours to clean up the horrid mess that all the customers have made. The other trick to this "holiday" is that the sales don't last forever. They normally are just morning sales so you will have people lined up along the outside of the stores with tents and chairs just waiting for those doors to open. All of this maddness is why I did not go out on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

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