Thursday, September 27, 2007


Yesterday, there was a gunman on the Queens campus. He was wearing a George Bush mask, black hooded sweatshirt, and carrying a rifle. No one knows what his intent was but the thought was terrifying. I'm glad the school was able to take control of the situation and arrest him. They also locked down the campus to keep the students safe. In this article, it states how security was able to unarm the suspect without harm. It also has a quote from the gunman's father saying he is on heavy medication from back surgery and he has been acting strange ever since.
Knowing that I go to St. John's University, my family and friends were worried. I got phone calls throughout the day making sure I was ok and that there was no disturbance in my area. The only person that didn't reach me was my mother, who I would have thought to be the first person to contact me. When I asked her reason for not calling, she said she didn't want to worry me. That was humorous to me because I was hesitant to inform her due to the same reason. One of my closest friends text me to see how I was doing because she says that on the news they didn't even varify which campus this event occured on and she prayed that it wasn't mine. When events like this happen, you realize how important your life is and how it can be gone in the blink of an eye because it easily could have been St. John's on Staten Island.

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