Sunday, September 23, 2007


There is always pressure in life. The pressure to be a good daughter, friend, and student are my biggest ones at this point in my life. Now that I am in college, it is my duty to keep in touch with thoses that are still at home. Friends at different schools, friends that moved away and new friends on campus. Parents put pressure on me to make the good decisions while I am away. They count on me to be the perfect role model for my neice and always do the right thing. Staying out of toruble and doing well in school are their major concerns for me. Professors have high expectations for new college students and want to see them succeed.
Pressure is what gets me through life. Without pressure there would be no motivation to move forward and get ahead. My strive to do better comes the pressure that everyone puts on me and the pressure that I put on myself. I know the goals that I wish to achieve and pressure helps me reach them.

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